Monday, June 4, 2012

11 Ways Publicity Has Punch in a World of Social Media

Trustworthy content is still at the core of effectively reaching influential target audiences.  Content from publicity (getting a story about you or your services published in print or produced in video or audio) has multiple, steady benefits in the age of Facebook and Twitter.  Here are 11 of them:

  • Repeated publicity, no matter what platform, reaffirms all targeted publics that your organization is a “go to” expert in your field.
  • It keeps your name  “top of mind” among audiences who are making decisions at that moment.  Publicity can be the tipping point in using your services.
  • Repetition builds reputations.  A continual string of stories about your practice or institution is powerful in image building.
  • Publicity establishes and strengthens your unique “brand” among targeted groups – it can define you and your strengths vs. your competition. 
  • Publicity instills pride in your staff.  It is third party public recognition of your professionalism.
  • It improves recruitment – young professionals who are looking for a job want to work for the best, and the best-known.
  • Publicity can be used to produce marketing communications material for proposals, direct marketing, advertising and presentations.
  • All print and electronic publicity can be repurposed for use in social media – on blog posts, on Facebook pages, on Twitter and Linked-in. 
  • CredibilityStories on TV, on radio or in magazines and newspapers have third party credibility.  The content has been vetted and written by professional journalists.
  • Publicity can trigger direct inquiries about your services.
  • Publicity can help you change your image and open doors to new markets.